Fringe Legal #12: finding balance with Pat / Is legal design bullsh*t? /favorite podcasts

Here are four things that were worth sharing this week:


Pat (Patricia) Gillette is amazing. She's wrote the book on rainmaking and is an expert on gender diversity and equality in the workplace.

I have the pleasure of sitting down with her to speak about rainmaking, career development for women, and biases. We are opening 100 spots for you to come and take part in the conversation. Join us to listen, learn, and ask questions.

The event is on Friday, September 4th at 10am California / 1pm New York / 6pm London. (Readers in Asia Pacific, please register if interested and I'l share a recording).

Register to join us live


If you read just one long-form article this week, make it this one. Joshua Kubicki poses the question: is legal design bullsh*t?

The article evaluates the purpose of analytical thinking and design thinking, the infant stage of legal design today, the dichotomy between the business and practice of law, and more. Here are two quotes that lingered in my mind:

Put more simply — analytical thinking is about finding the right answers. Design is about finding the right questions.
The simple fact is that too many law firms are confused as to what business they are in. It is nobody’s fault. The lens in which the law firm business model is viewed has not changed in decades...Obtaining competitive advantage is neither as simple as a marketing campaign nor as mysterious as some dark art. It requires knowledge of a business’s strategy, capabilities, and resources. The reason to focus on defining and creating a competitive advantage is that it allows organizations to enjoy a favorable position in the market.

Read the full article here


It should be no surprise that I love podcasts. They have allowed me access to amazing people, and each time I listen to the episode, I learn something new.

Currently, there is an explosion of podcasts focused on the legal profession. Earlier today, I shared a list of 6 of my current favorite podcasts and 3 newsletters I look forward to reading every week.

What do you listen to/read? Chime into the conversation on LinkedIn:

20+ comments: Join the conversation on LinkedIn

4. FUN

Once a month, I'll sit down with my friend Vincent Michetti to talk about seemingly random topics. We held the first one of these on Friday past.

In 30 minutes, we spoke about the battle between Epic v Apple/Google, California v Lyft/Uber, and Microsoft Surface Duo. It's something light-hearted and fun.

Watch the replay of Chatter

Until next time. Stay well.


Want to say 'hello'? Find me on LinkedIn.